Prices for image editing services

Prices for the different image editing services depend on picture complexity, volume and your requirements.

The price categories 2-5 specified below are for orders less than 50 pictures. If you have more than 50 pictures per order or if you have more than 500 pictures per month (bulk orders), we will offer very substantial discounts on top of the list price.

For bulk orders or orders with stable and high volume per month, we offer an additional new price program that will further reduce your costs substantially.

Please contact us for more information and let us know your picture volume and complexity information. We will send you a customized quote. We can either quote by each picture or calculate an average price for all pictures.

Please note: The following prices are NET prices, excluding the Value Added Tax (VAT).


Prices for Clipping Path:


  • Category 1 - Very Simple + Bulk Order:     € 0.59 / image
    This price is only valid for bulk orders (at least 200 pictures per order or 1.000 pictures per month) and very easy picture complexity.
  • Category 2:
    € 0.99 / image
  • Category 3:
    € 0.99 / image
  • Category 4:
    € 0.99 / image
  • Category 5:

    For extraordinary complex pictures that require an extra amount of work and special image editing skills we will estimate and inform you about the prices before working on them. Hourly rate: € 6.00

Prices for Masking:

The price for masking will follow the same structure of the price for clipping. The content to be masked will be taken into consideration in judging the complexity categories.

Prices for Retouching and Logo / Vector Graphics :

Prices highly depend on your requirements and picture volume. Please send us some typical pictures for a quote including a detailed description of your requirements. We offer two level of retouching services:

Prices for Film and Video Masking:

Prices for this specialized service, such as chroma keying, rotoscoping, film restoration or any kind of post production services highly depend on your requirements and scope of a whole project. Please contact us for a detailed discussion about your project and requirements. We will send you a customized price for your project.

Prices for Express Service:

With Express Service we will deliver your pictures within 6 hours during CET working hours and with following prices and conditions:
- The set up cost for every express service order (regardless of the number of pictures) will be 8 Euro.
- Prices will be doubled per picture compared to the listed prices.
- You can place up to 50 pictures (not too complicated) every day for express service.
- We do reserve the right to decide and inform you as early as possible, that due to certain reasons we cannot offer    express service for some orders.


Payment information:

  1. For Paypal:
  2. For bank transfer:
    Deutsche Bank
    Account Name : ProfiMasking
    Account Number: 3751708
    Bank Code: 76070024
  3. Pre-Paid Service:
    We also offer a „Pre-Paid“ payment service for companies outside Germany. If you have only a couple of pictures with low invoice value per month you will benefit from the „Pre-Paid“ payment service by saving the bank transfer fees. Instead of transferring each month the invoice amount, you will only pay us once - minimum „Pre-Paid“ value is 50 Euro. The pre-paid value will be deducted accordingly every time after your use our service. The remaining value will be reported to you in the last invoice we will send to you.